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Welcome to our Governors’ section. 

Please find below details of how our Governing body is structured, including the names, categories, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each Governor.


St James' C of E Infant and Nursery School has an active and involved governing body. 


Governors are an important part of school life and make an important contribution in supporting education in our school. School governors provide strategic leadership and accountability to our school. They work with the Head Teacher to make tough decisions about finance, staffing and resourcing as well as supporting and challenging the Head Teacher and other school leaders and staff to make sure we provide the best possible education for all our children. 


Our Governing Body is made up of:


  • The Head Teacher,
  • 3 Foundation Governors (who are appointed by the Diocese),
  • 4 Parent Governors (who are appointed by election in school),
  • an LA Governor,
  • a Staff Governor and
  • 2 Co-Opted Governors (who are appointed by the Governing Body).


This means there are a wide variety of people involved in overseeing the running of the school.  The governors are very dedicated and enthusiastic about monitoring and making improvements in school.  They meet at every half term to discuss items such as finance, attendance, health & safety, self evaluation and the School Improvement Plan. 

You can download our "Rough Guide to the Governing Body" by clicking below.

Our Governing Body is made up of as follows:

