The Nativity - Christmas 2024
The children in both Key Stages learned about the story of The Nativity and led performances for parents.

Advent 2024
Reverend Alison Dobell came into school to talk to the children about Advent. The children learned about the symbolism behind an advent wreath and found out what each candle represents and how they link to preparing for Christmas.

Autumn 2 2024 - Kindness
Mrs Jones led a Collective Worship on Kindness showing that how, by being kind to others, we can light up their lives.

In another collective worship, the children then continued the theme of kindness and learned about the story of Saint Lucy (the bearer of light).

Our Year 1 and Year 2 children led our annual Remembrance Service in church, sharing what they had learned about remembrance, the significance of the poppy and what sacrifices have been made for us.

Harvest 2024
This year we gave thanks for Harvest by supporting our local Foodbank. Stuart Christian came in to tell us how we can help others.

Autumn 1 2024 - Courage
This half term our Christian Value is Courage. We held a Collective Worship in Church and learned the story of Zacchaeus. They spoke about how Jesus showed courage in standing up for what he believed in.
The children have been reading the bible story Daniel and the Lion's Den to learn about courage. Reception children made pictures of the lion for our display in the reception area.
Rest Under the Stars
Our Year 1 children visited St Mary and St Michael's Church in Egremont to take part in the exhibition 'Rest Under the Stars'. This focused on the themes of journey and rest. They got to relax under beautiful canopies to listen to a sound scape of Cumbria, created a patchwork blanket and recorded their thoughts and feelings on where they live.

Friendship - Summer 2
This half term, our Christian Value is Friendship.
In collective worship with Anna Jones the children learned about the value of Friendship. They discussed the meaning of 4 proverbs about gossiping and how our words can hurt others. 2 children then experimented with a banana and tube of toothpaste. This was used as an example of how when we speak words we cannot put them back in, and how our words can break up friendships. They finished with 3 questions the Quaker faith regularly ask themselves before they speak:
Is it true?
Is it kind?
Is it necessary?

Our Key Stage 1 children have attended the Prayer Stations at St James' Church.

Stuart from the West Lakes Foodbank came into school and did Collective Worship for everyone on the theme of Friendship. He recapped on the story of David and Jonathan and how friends are pillars of support for one another.
The children considered how they can help their friends in school and how they can help their neighbours in the community.

Skiddaw Collective Worship
This term it was the turn of Skiddaw to host a Collective Worship for parents.
Our Christian value for the Summer 1 half term is Respect. Our linked Bible Story is The Ten Commandments.
Mrs Jones has update our display in the school entrance.
Easter Gardens
Our Reception and Nursery children made Easter Gardens with Mrs Jones.

Easter Stations
Our Key Stage 1 children visited the Easter Stations in St James' Church and learned all out the Easter Story.

Messy Church
In this term's Messy Church we are looking at the story of Easter.
We have been looking at the story of the Creation, we sang All Things Bright and Beautiful and made spring craft flowers pots.
Our Christian Value for this half term is forgiveness, we are learning about how the Prodigal Son was forgiven.
Our Christian Value for the first Spring term is Love.
Our worship leaders delivered our collective worship this morning linked to the Christian value of love
They told the children about the Parable of Jesus and the Vine.They explained that God is a gardener and the vines are all connected to produce fruit. This was followed up with a hymn and a prayer
Mrs Jones has kindly arranged our display in the entrance to school which tells us about the Good Samaritan and how Ruth comforted Naomi.
We welcomed Ana and Mark into school from the British Red Cross to speak to the children about how volunteers around the world show kind kindness by helping others.

The children took part in our annual Remembrance Service in Church. They remembered and gave thanks for the sacrifices made by others.
The Good Samaritan - Courage
We had Collective Worship with Mrs Jones and talked about the story of the Good Samaritan. Some of our children acted out the story which tells of how one person had the courage to stop and help.

Catbells Collective Worship
Parents from Catbells joined us for Collective Worship this term.

Messy Church
We have been looking at how God has made a colourful world.

Courage - Autumn 1
We have been looking at the bible stories of Joshua and Caleb as well as Daniel and the Lion.

Friendship Summer 2
Messy Church
June 2023
In our Messy Church after school club, the children talked about how Jesus is our friend and made lighthouses to symbolise that Jesus is a light in the world.

Labyrinth Visit to St Bees Priory
June 2023
Our Year 1 children visited St Bees Church to learn about pilgrimages. They took part in lots of activities including music and art workshops as well as a short act of worship.

Church Service
Our children attended Church with Mrs Jones who spoke about spirituality, essentially to talk about something which is beyond words.
Mrs Jones introduced the language of spirituality- the wows, ows and nows.
Examples from the Bible were shared and the children have been encouraged to think about their wows, ows and nows in their own lives

Skiddaw Collective Worship
Parents were invited into school to watch our children perform their Collective Worship. They showcased what they had been learning in school.

Blessing by Bishop Rob
Bishop Rob joined us in a service of thankfulness as we officially opened our new Nursery Classroom. He gave a blessing and the children sang songs for our invited guests.

Spring 1 2023
This half term we have looked at Noah's Ark as part of our Christian Value of Hope. Our Worship Leaders led a Collective Worship on the Parable of the Mustard Seed which teaches us that with hope, even the tiniest things can grow.

November 2022
Our Year 2 children led a Collective Worship on Remembrance in Church for the school and all of our parents. We gave thanks to those who made the ultimate sacrifice for us all.

This half term our Christian Value is Thankfulness. Mrs Jones has made a display for us in school with a Prayer Tree for giving thanks.
October 2022
Our new Year 2 Worship Leaders group have led our Collective Worship for the school about being courageous. They spoke about George and the Dragon and how courageous George was. They told everyone about how God can help us be courageous.
Catbells also delivered class collective worship to their parents, reflecting on all they've learnt this half term.

Bible Readers
Each week we are joined by a member of our Church who reads a bible story to our Key Stage 1 children.
Messy Church
This half term in our Messy Church after school club we have been learning about the Last Supper, making crosses and much much more.

Harvest Service
We were delighted that so many parents joined us in St James' Church for our Harvest Service. We gave thanks to God for providing us with food. We also donated many items to the North Lakes Foodbank so that we could help others.
We donated lots of books to a Christian charity, Bouncing Books, that will take them to Tanzania and help children to learn to read.