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In Science, we will inspire our children by giving them the opportunities to pursue their natural curiosity; promoting the experience of exploring and investigating scientific phenomena, in a range of contexts, to ensure a continually evolving knowledge and understanding of the world around them. Our children will be encouraged to ask questions, take risks, experiment, reflect, make and learn from mistakes, in a safe environment; whereby they acquire and apply core skills which equip them for an ever-changing world.


The Curriculum Intent for Science can be summarised in these ways:

· A learner-centred teaching approach to ensure learners deepen thinking, learning is role modelled appropriately, pupils are challenged and engaged.

· Accessible for all, helping children to develop regardless of academic achievement and ability.

· Engaging and creative, with lessons using real life examples as a link to investigations/experiments, where possible.

· A series of lessons which plans for progression and depth.

· Concepts taught are reinforced and further explored through a range of scientific enquiries and investigations.


The Science Subject Leader is Mrs Jenny King. 


Science - National Curriculum coverage

Visit to Stockswood Outdoor Centre Summer 2023
