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Physical Education

The Curriculum Intent for PE can be summarised in these ways: 

  • A learner-centred teaching approach. Use of strategies to ensure learners deepen thinking, learning is role modeled appropriately, pupils are challenged and engaged. 
  • Using our approach to Building Learning Power, we will explore opportunities to collaborate within Sports, question tactics, revise previous learning and persevere during lessons. 
  • It is our vision for every pupil to succeed and achieve their potential in a range of sports and physical activities.
  • We will provide  a range of sporting opportunities for pupils to become physically confident in a way which supports their health and fitness; encouraging them to lead physical and healthy lifestyles both in school and out of school.
  • Provide children with opportunities to compete in sport and other physical activities that build character and help to embed our Christian Values.
  • We want to develop our pupil’s ambition and ability to persevere when things are difficult


Our children will have an access to a range of sports through after school clubs throughout their time at St James. We will hold an annual Sports Week, where children are introduced to a range of new sports so that they all have the opportunity to develop a passion for sport.


Sport's Clubs start in Reception and are offered through to Year 2 by a range of coaches.


The PE Lead works closely with the local cluster to ensure all pupils have opportunities for competitive sport such as EYFS athletics,  KS1 dance competitions etc. 


In Year 2, children will take part in a residential visit which includes ghyll scrambling and canoeing to ensure children access outdoor and adventurous activities.


In Key Stage 1, children will have the opportunity to perform a dance at a local theatre. Throughout the school year, children will represent the school in a range of local sporting festivals and competitions. Ensuring children have a wide range of sporting experiences is very important at St James'. 


‘Obstacles don’t have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don’t turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it’  Michael Jordan 


Our PE Subject Leader is Miss Stephanie Sapsed. 
