Remote learning
Remote Learning- This is the broad term encompassing any learning that happens outside of the classroom, with the teacher not present in the same location as the children.
The way in which our remote learning is delivered depends upon what content is being delivered and the age and stage of the children:
- Online learning is where the curriculum is delivered via technology. In our school we use the online platform Seesaw and also ZOOM. This can include ‘live’ lessons as well as pre-recorded videos and/or resources to support children’s learning to complete either online or in a paper-based exercise book at home.
- Work packs or resources when necessary
- Sign posting families to external apps and websites that would further support engagement in remote learning.
Further information can be found in our remote learning policy and in the section below regarding Seesaw.
Our Remote Learning Policy

What is Seesaw?
In Year 1 and 2, we use an online learning platform called SeeSaw. SeeSaw is a secure online journal where students can document and reflect on what they are learning in class. Teachers will set work for children to access. Your child will then be able to add their work, including photos, videos, worksheets and drawings. Teachers will then feedback on work through SeeSaw.
We also set reading books linked to your child's Read, Write, Inc group and send announcements as to any up and coming events for the class.
Seesaw Class can be accessed here: or can be downloaded as an app on most devices App.Seesaw.Me
If you wish to download the app from the app store or play store, please download SeeSaw class.
How to log in:
Children will have their individual home login details sent home at the start of Year 1. Children log in using their personalised QR codes. If you have lost your log in code please contact the school office.
We use Tapestry in the Early Years (Nursery and Reception). When your child joins our Early Year we will add them to our account. We will also add a named parent so that you can add learning points from home and view your child's Tapestry learning journey.