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The Curriculum Intent for music can be summarised in these ways:

· A learner-centred teaching approach. Ensuring learners deepen thinking, learning is role modelled appropriately, pupils are challenged and engaged.

· We will explore opportunities to question their likes and dislikes of music, revise their own musical compositions, collaborate with others and persevere  to create their own masterpieces. 

· To experience and appreciate a variety of musical genres.

· To gain experience of playing a variety of musical instruments.

· We encourage children to participate in a variety of musical experiences through which we aim to build up the confidence of all children.

· Through singing songs, children learn about the structure and organisation of music.

· We teach technical vocabulary such as volume, pitch, beat and rhythm and encourage children to discuss music using these terms.

· We use the KAPOW scheme of work to ensure complete curriculum coverage with built in CPD for staff. This has been written based on the National Curriculum for Music, and draws on the Model Music Curriculum (MMC)

 The music subject leader is Miss Kim Powell. 

School Music Development Plan 2024/2025 (SMDP)

Music curriculum overview
