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STEAM Pathway

Machinery Workshop

Our Nursery children joined the Sellafield Education Outreach team in looking at how machines work. They investigated and experimented with pulleys, levers, wedges, ramps and incline plates.

Woodwork Workshop

The children had the opportunity to learn about woodworking in an activity ran in conjunction with Sellafield Education Outreach, Jackson's Timber and Lakes College. The children all handled tools such as saws, hammers, chisels etc to make cross half lap joints.

Whitehaven Academy visit.

Year 2 went to Whitehaven Academy to take part in a variety of STEM activities organised by a variety of local and national companies.

The children had to collaborate together to build a wheelbarrow that was steady enough to carry water, build scaffolding for a globe and work out the costing of the equipment used, investigate magnets and program Blue-Bots.

Botley Robotics Workshop October 2024

Year 1 and 2 were treated to a STEAM workshop this afternoon led by the Sellafield Education Outreach team. The children had to create algorithms to make their robots move.
